Our Hair Loss Products: Scientific Research and Facts
Proven Hair Loss Products
We only offer our clients hair loss solutions that have proven successful. Rather than waste your time with products that don’t do anything for your hair, but instead increase your stress level and anxiety, our hair loss products are supported by scientific research and facts.
Our Stimugro Products include Stimucap, an innovative cosmetic ingredient that is formed by the balanced association of two functional compounds: CLA Glutathione and Sodium DNA. It is proven to be effective in hair loss prevention.
The Effectiveness of StimuGro
Stimugro has demonstrated to be highly effective in the prevention and reduction of premature hair loss, according to reported experimental protocol.
A series of instrumental and objective evaluations, carried out on 30 volunteers suffering from alopecia and telogen effluvium (hair loss), found that Stimugro based lotion increased hair fibres’ resistance by 40 perfect.
The tested products resulted as being well-tolerated and neither had negative effects, nor induced any scalp irritation.
A standard “wash test” found that, after daily application to the scalp for 3 months, Stimucap-based hair lotion can reduce hair loss.
How it Works
Stimugro contains two functional compounds: CLA Glutathione and Sodium DNA. CLA is an essential fatty acid and a precursor to anti-inflammatory substances and GSH (Glutathione reduced form). Glutathione (GSH) is produced naturally by plants and animals. It is involved in the essential protection of cells’ mechanism.
CLA is a component of the bio-membrane; the regulator of nutrient transportation. In addition, CLA is able to become a dermal component, crossing the derma.
GSH is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals that interfere with lipidic, proteic, enzimatic and DNA metabolism. GSH is essential for the production of anti-inflammatory compounds by CLA as well as vital for the elimination of toxic by-products of metabolism.
In Stimugro, GSH and CLA are available as required at the same time in the same place.
Stimugro also contains Sodium DNA. This is sodium salt made up of natural purified and de-polymerized DNA segments. It is easily recognised and absorbed by cells. Sodium DNA is the structural base of nucleic acids and cofactors (DNA metabolism). Sodium DNA is essential for DNA metabolism, upon which cell repair and tissue regeneration processes are based.
CLA Glutathione, mixed with Sodium DNA, has demonstrated its efficacy and tolerability equal to or higher than an active with already proven efficacy in hair loss prevention. In short, Stimucap outperforms other proven hair loss prevention products.
CLA Glutathione, mixed with Sodium DNA, is proven to be well tolerated and completely accepted by test subjects, by their own admission.